Finally, a ticket printer alternative, from the reliable source you know. HBM now offers the new Stampede Direct Thermal Ticket Printer for any business that regularly prints tickets for casino redemptions, raffles, box offices or special events.
This self-contained and compact machine can print up to 4.10 inch wide tickets and is preconfigured for 8 inch x 3.5 inch Thermal Ticket Stock. The 6 inch per second print speed can print multiple tickets in a short amount of time with a 203 dpi resolution. The Stampede printer has an internal power supply, a control panel, Ethernet network interface and is Energy Star compliant.
The Stampede uses traditional fanfold, stacked ticket stock for higher perceived value redemptions or a thermal roll paper for more low value and high quality redemptions like raffles. The printer also has adjustable media sensors for label gap, card notch or unusual cut-outs and back-of-ticket black registration marks. A tear bar (for perforated tags) and auto-cutter are also included.
The Stampede uses either fanfold or roll paper stock.
Stampede’s media specs include:
- Media Width 0.77” to 4.65”
- Thickness 0.0025” to 0.01”
- Length 0.25” to 32”
Contact any staff member at HBM to learn more or get set up with a Stampede Direct Thermal Ticket Printer.